Awarded 2020 CSBJ Best in Business for Telecommunication Company. Springs Hosting has been serving our community for nearly 15 years and we want to thank the Colorado Springs Business Journal readers for selecting us as Best Telecommunication Company. Tens of thousands of our customers rely on our critical services daily to keep their businesses online and operating effectively.

“A great data center is measured by their uptime. The ingredients for doing this are more complex, but it all comes down to having a really smart staff paired with redundant and reliable equipment,” said Don Brown, CEO @ Springs Hosting. Our Tier 3 network is 100% redundant allowing for equipment failures without any downtime for our customers. Whether your business is hosting their network, phones, servers, websites, or email, you can count on us to keep your business online. We would enjoy talking more with you about what we can do to assist you with your goals for 2020.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

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