
 How to add the remi repository to CentOS 5.8 / RHEL 5.8 / Redhat

If you are looking for the latest rpm packages for CentOS 5.8 / RHEL / Redhat, the remi...

 How to automatically sync your server time clock with rdate in CentOS 5.5

The linux command "rdate" is very useful to quickly sync your server time clock with an NTP...

 How to run Varnish Reverse Cache Proxy in CentOS 5.5

HTTP Accelerators have been around for years.  In 2006, Varnish was introduced and unlike...

 How to sync the time zone (Linux)

On a VPS server, you don't have access to control the hardware clock directly. To detach your...

 Your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running

If you are trying to connect via VNC or Serial to your VPS server using the backend tools in your...

 Configuring Nameservers (DNS) for Outside Domains

If you are not buying a domain from us you will need to manaully configure your nameservers (DNS)...

 cPanel Log Locations

cPanel Installation Logs: Code: /var/log/cpanel-install-thread0.log Apache: Code:...